
About the Voter File

The Secretary of State is responsible for establishing a single official, centralized, and interactive electronic statewide voter registration system. County election administrators maintain the data in the statewide voter registration system.

The Secretary of State provides extracts of public information from the statewide voter registration system. Customers may purchase an annual subscription and get unlimited downloads of data, or may order one-time downloads. Because the statewide system is a live system, data changes from hour to hour, day to day, etc. as county election officials are entering and updating information. Similarly, numbers may change based on voter moves, cancellations and other updates. Each extract is static information that is current as of the time the extract is pulled.

Files purchased through this application are in ASCII delimited text format. Some fields in the file may be empty depending on which county the data came from. Please review the information below to determine which extract you would like to order, and to understand the data that will be provided for each extract.


Below is an explanation of the fields in the file:

VTRID – Unique voter identification number – NOT Social Security Number       
FIRSTNAME – Voter first name
MIDDLENAME – Voter middle name
LASTNAME – Voter last name
NAMESUFFIX – Voter name suffix, e.g. Jr., Sr., III          
VOTER_STATUS – Voter status description (Active, Inactive, etc.)
VOTER_STATUS_REASON – Literal description of reason for voter status
RA_HS_NUM – Voter residence house number      
RA_STREET_NAME – Voter residence street name
RA_STTYPE – Voter residence street type, e.g. ST, LN, RD
RA_STDIR_CODE – Voter residence street pre-directional code, e.g. N, E, S, W
RA_STDIR_CODE_POST – Voter residence street post-directional code, e.g. N, E, S, W
RA_UTYP_CODE – Voter residence address unit type code, e.g. APT, STE
RA_UNIT_NUM – Voter residence address unit number
RA_CITY – Voter residence city
RA_STATE – Voter residence state
RA_ZIP_CODE – Voter residence 5-digit zip code
RESIDENCEADDRESS – Voter residence address – complete with city, state and zip
MA_ADDR_LINE_1 – Voter mailing address
MA_CITY – Voter mailing address city
MA_STATE – Voter mailing address state
MA_ZIP_CODE – Voter mailing address 5-digit zip code
MA_ZIP_PLUS – Voter mailing address 4-digit zip+4 code
MAILINGADDRESS – Voter mailing address – complete with city, state and zip
PHONE_NO – Voter phone number
DOB – Voter date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss am/pm)
VOTE_ELIGIBLE_DATE – Voter effective registration date (mm/dd/yyyy)   
CURRENT_COUNTY – Voter county of residence            - see county code table
PRECINCT – Voter precinct description
CONGRESS_DISTRICT – Voter congressional district
HOUSE_DISTRICT – Voter house district
SENATE_DISTRICT            - Voter senate district
PREC_CODE – Voter precinct code
ABSENTEE – Voter absentee indicator (True/False)
WARD – Blank unless voter resides in city ward. Ward description if not blank    
CITY_LIMITS – Blank unless voter resides in city limits. City description if not blank


VTRID – Unique voter identification number

ElectionType_ID CODE Description
1 FG Federal General
2 FP Federal Primary
3 MP Municipal Primary
4 MG Municipal General
6 S Special
7 SC School
8 PP Special Primary - Presidential
100000029 FD Fire District General
100000030 WS Water/Sewer District

Election_Date – Date of the election
Election_Description – Jurisdiction’s description of the election
E_JS_CODE – Election jurisdiction code – county code

1 - Absentee
2 - Polling Place
4 - Vote by Mail
Sent_Date – For absentee ballots only
Received_Date – For absentee ballots only
Ballot_Status – For absentee ballots only
Ballot_Status_Reason – For absentee ballots only

*The current system to track statewide voter history was implemented for use by all Montana counties in early 2006, prior to the 2006 Federal Primary Election. Some history may exist for a voter as far back as 1984, but it depends on the historic date the county provided.


Voter ID – Unique voter identification number
First Name – Voter first name
Last Name – Voter last name
Middle Name – Voter middle name
Mail Address – Voter mailing address
Mail City – Voter mailing address city
Mail State – Voter mailing address state
Mail Zip – Voter mailing address 5-digit zip code
Mail Zip Ext – Voter mailing address 4-digit zip+4 code
Country – Voter mailing address country
DOB – Voter date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss am/pm)
Vote_eligible_date – Voter effective registration date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Absentee – Voter absentee indicator (True/False)

Election Type
ElectionType_ID CODE Description
1 FG Federal General
2 FP Federal Primary
3 MP Municipal Primary
4 MG Municipal General
6 S Special
7 SC School
8 PP Special Primary - Presidential
100000029 FD Fire District General

Election Date – Date of the election
Election Description – Jurisdiction’s description of the election
JS Code – Election jurisdiction code – county code
Sent Date – Date absentee ballot was sent to voter by county
Received Date – Date absentee ballot was received back by county
Ballot_Status – Text description of ballot status (not code)
Ballot_Status_Reason– Text description of ballot status reason (not code)
House District – Voter house district
Senate District– Voter senate district


Election - Most Recent Available Federal
Voter ID - Unique voter identification number
Last Name - Voter last name
First Name - Voter first name
Middle Name - Voter middle name
Name Suffix - Voter suffix
DOB - Voter date of birth (m/dd/yyyy)
County - Voter county at time of late registration
House District - Voter house district at time of late registration
Senate District - Voter senate district at time of late registration
Precinct - Voter precinct at time of late registration
Before/On Election Day - Indicates whether voter registered before or on election day
County-to-County/ Precinct-to-Precinct/ Other - Indicates whether voter is a county-to-county transfer registrant, precinct-to-precinct transfer registrant, or other type of registration activity. Not available for all elections.


Election - Year and Primary/General
Voter ID - Unique voter identification number
Last Name - Voter last name
First Name - Voter first name
Middle Name - Voter middle name
Name Suffix - Voter suffix
DOB - Voter date of birth (m/dd/yyyy)
County - Voter county at time of late registration
House District - Voter house district at time of late registration
Senate District - Voter senate district at time of late registration
Precinct - Voter precinct at time of late registration
Before/On Election Day - Indicates whether voter registered before or on election day
County-to-County/ Precinct-to-Precinct/ Other - Indicates whether voter is a county-to-county transfer registrant, precinct-to-precinct transfer registrant, or other type of registration activity. Not available for all elections.

1. Beaverhead 11. Dawson 21. Hill 31. Mineral 41. Ravalli 51. Toole
2. Big Horn 12. Deer Lodge 22. Jefferson 32. Missoula 42. Richland 52. Treasure
3. Blaine 13. Fallon 23. Judith Basin 33. Musselshell 43. Roosevelt 53. Valley
4. Broadwater 14. Fergus 24. Lake 34. Park 44. Rosebud 54. Wheatland
5. Carbon 15. Flathead 25. Lewis and Clark 35. Petroleum 45. Sanders 55. Wibaux
6. Carter 16. Gallatin 26. Liberty 36. Phillips 46. Sheridan 56. Yellowstone
7. Cascade 17. Garfield 27. Lincoln 37. Pondera 47. Silver Bow  
8. Chouteau 18. Glacier 28. Madison 38. Powder River 48. Stillwater
9. Custer 19. Golden Valley 29. McCone 39. Powell 49. Sweet Grass
10. Daniels 20. Granite 30. Meagher 40. Prairie 50. Teton